
Varoline Co., Ltd.

Year 2023 Varoline Co., Ltd.

  • 2 office → office and 1 research center(CDSD)
  • Partnership with CDSD for co-research
  • Move to new office
  • CORROSION (Netherland / Agency for Anti-fouling and corrosion solutions)
Under process
  • YPPC (Korea / Overseas salles of Duplex valve/pump)
  • Nauti-Craft (Australia / New concepted Boat, OEM manufacturing & Sales)
  • Daewoong ET (Korea / Domestic and Overseas sales of LNG Tank)
  • Emerson (Korea / Domestic distributor of Engine MRO)
  • EFD (Korea / Domestic distributor of Eco Friendly Dry system)
New Workshop
  • Need storage space and workshop for contracted projects of propulsion, Gen-set, Battery and Engine
  • Manufacturing of OEM boat
  • Service shop of Engine MRO
바로라인(주) Varoline Co., Ltd.
대표자 : 양찬호 사업자등록번호 : 609-86-19367 대표전화 : 051-916-7162 FAX : 051-917-7165 E-Mail :
주소 : 부산광역시 강서구 명지국제2로28번길 34, 808호 #808 Eco-Palace Myeongji Gukje 2ro 28beongil 34, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea (46726)
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